Sunburns are the result of overexposure to UVB rays from the sun. They cause the skin to redden and blister, damaging the outer protective layers of the skin. Just one bad sunburn can lead to long-lasting damage to the skin and increase the risk for skin cancer. Here are some easy ways you can protect yourself this summer:

Limit exposure between 12-4pm
During this time, the sun is the hottest meaning UVB rays are their strongest. It is recommended to limit your exposure during this time. Try to stay indoors and if you must be outside be sure to apply sunscreen and stay in the shade as much as possible.

Consumer Omega-3
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that taking omega-3 fish oils can help protect against sun damage and bolster immunity against the sun. You can find omega-3 in pill form but if you are looking for something natural, olive oil and salmon naturally contain it.

Wear the right clothing
The easiest way to prevent getting a sunburn is to wear long sleeve tops and long pants as well as a large wide brimmed hat to protect you from the damaging rays of the sun. Don’t take a cloudy day for granted, you can even get a sunburn through the clouds.

Protect Your Eyes And Head
Don’t be fooled, hair will protect your head only so much. The scalp can get burnt pretty fast without us realizing it. Defend your head with a protective hat that covers the shoulders from sun exposure. The sun can negatively impact the eyes because of how thin and fragile our eyelid skin is. Investing in a good pair of sunglasses that block those harmful UV rays is always a good idea.
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